Sunday was my amazing hubby's 27th birthday. Danny truly is my best friend and I'm so thankful he chose me. I'm so proud of his accomplishments. He impresses me every single day! I'm thankful for the relationship he has with his Heavenly Father. He's such an amazing example to me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND I LOVE YOU BUD!
So for Danny's B-day he asked me to bake him a cherry pie. He loves my mom's cherry pie recipe. I was kind of nervous because I've only made 2 pies in our 4 and a half year marriage. When I was done it ended up looking beautiful, but I was so scared of how it would taste. After eating a few bites I realized I did a pretty dang good job (not to brag or anything :) ). Daniel told me many times that he loved it and that it tasted just like my mom's. We ate it so fast I never ended up getting a picture of how perfect it looked. BUMBED, but that's ok. Here is a picture of the empty pie plate showing that we literally did eat it that fast!
So today I decided to put curlers in Emma's hair for pictures. I didn't realize I put them in right before her nap. I felt bad because I remember as a little girl how uncomfortable they are to sleep in. I just crossed my fingers she wouldn't pull them out. After she'd been asleep a while I went in to check the curlers and this is what I found....

Poor thing! I'm just glad she found a way to sleep. It made me nervous when I first came in the room, but she was breathing just fine, so I left her alone. The funny thing is the curlers will be in perfect shape when she wakes up.
So on with our couch story. So we've been watching D.I. and craigslist for 2 months waiting to get a couch. We've been sitting on camp chairs for 2 months. Everything we've found has been either really yucky or way toooo expensive. The sad part is even the really yucky stuff is really expensive, at least a $100. (I miss cheap couches in Rexburg) Anyway so we saw that RC WIlley was having a good sale and so we decided that we should go ahead and just buy a cheap couch. We found a couch we loved and it was 40% off so we ordered it. The picture looked grey with a little green in it and the lady on the phone even said it only had a little green in it. So we got the couch and it ended up being GREEN! and I mean REALLY GREEN! Green is my favorite color, but it was so green I wasn't sure what i was going to do. So RCWilley gave us 14 days to make up our minds if we like it or not. We both love how big and comfy it is. I tried to make it work but It's just tooo green. We need something neutral colored. So it's going back Saturday and we are back to square one. Here's a picture of the couch we got from RC Willey. When I took the picture it didn't even really bring up the green. I guess I can understand why RC Willey's Online picture didn't even look green. Kind of funny. I'm so tired of sitting on fold out chairs.