
sLeEp TiGht AnD dOn'T lEt ChArLes ManSoN BiTe

So you have all pretty much heard daniel's sleep walking and talking issues! But I have a real Doozie for you... So Daniel walks up to me tonight half asleep and says GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT AND DON'T LET CHARLES MANSON BITE!!! I literally laughed so hard I think I lost about 10 LBS. :)


Hanna said...

Wow. That one ALMOST wins over the, "Kelsey, get your gun!"

P.S.I love the new blog look! and Miss Emma is getting so big!

Nicole said...

The blog update is so cute!!

Sheena said...

that is too funny!! Emma is getting so big! Whatever happened with that cutest baby contest?? She definitly should have won!