
She's here....Olivia Ann Jardine

She came on my due date 3/22/2010- 6:38 PM, 7 lbs 15 ounces. Her hair is about 2 inches long! She is perfect and we're so happy to have her home. Emma loves "her baby". She kissed Olivia's head 50 times the first night. It was so sweet. Dan and I are still laughing because I bit his hand during a contraction!



WOW! I know it's been like forever. I just can't believe how busy We've been trying to prepare for baby. I've been planning on posting for a long time, but every time I start- something comes up. Between Organizing, bow making, baby blanket making, looking for jobs and all the rest I barely have time to breathe. I will post pictures soon, I just wanted everyone to know we're still here and that we miss all of you.
ONLY 8 DAYS until baby is due! CRAZY! I will make sure and post a belly picture and Emma updates sometime in the next few days.
