
sidy widy, the courtesy laugh, and this little piggy

So we used to call em silly willy, but eventually it turned into sidy widy!
I've never noticed this before, but our little sidy widy loves having pictures taken of her, well as long as she's not busy!
She gave me a few poses that were super cute!

Then she started showing off...She put the giraffe tail on her face and then made a surprised face, like she couldn't believe it tickled her face, even though she had just done the exact same thing 2 seconds before. She did it over and over and over. She was getting a kick out of herself.

My favorite part was when she stop thinking it was actually funny and started giving those fake courtesy laughs. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but she has the best courtesy laugh ever. Daniel has told me that Emma courtesy laughs just like I do when I'm not listening to him.
All of a sudden she notices that Ratatouille is on and she is done with her sillyness and courtesy laugh!

THIS LITTLE PIGGY CRIED "WEE WEE WEE" ALL THE WAY HOME! I'm not sure why she is playing with her feet, but it was definitely worth a picture!


DK Johnston said...

Emma totally cracks me up. I can hear her courtesy laugh now. Hope we get to see her next week!!

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

So cute!!

Sariah Hartley said...

that is really cute and you are a great photographer!

rebekah said...

What a cute little chick!!!