This is the view from the Sears Tower- it was the tallest tower in the world until a few years ago when China built a skyscraper that was 12 feet taller. Lake Michigan is seen in the back.

Here is another view from the Sears tower. The Soldier Field stadium where the Chicago bears play football can be seen near the center of the picture.

Chicago White Sox playing the Boston Red Sox. Dan's first professional baseball game. He loved it!

This is Soldier Field stadium where the Chicago Bears Play football.

One of the highlights of Dan's Trip was to see the "United Center where Michael Jordan played Basketball for the Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan is Dan's all-time favorite basketball player.

WICKED the Broadway show! I am so jealous that Dan got to see it. He said that he and all his friends tried to act tough like they didnt want to be there but by the end they loved it. He said it was so good. I am trying to convince him to take me to it next year in Salt Lake for our 4 year anniversary.

This is a piece of art in Millenium Park. There are dozens of huge peices of art such as this all over the park.

The Field Museum in Chicago. Dan said it was very similiar to the one in the movie "Night at the Museum". The T- Rex shown is the oldest T-Rex bone structure ever escavated.

Elephants in the Field Museum

Polar Bear at the Lincoln Park Zoo- one of the largest zoos in America.

Oprahs Studio

These boys are homeless. They make a living by playing "drums" every day in the City and people give them money. Dan said his group had to pass by the park every night on their way home and there were anywhere from 10 to 30 homeless people sleeping on the grass with no blankets or possessions. Dan even saw a man sleeping on the sidewalks with no blankets or warm clothing.

This is the International Hostel that Dan stayed in while in Chicago. It is like a college dorm with 12 beds in each apartment. It's cool because it's made for international travelers to stay for really good prices. One night your roomates will be from USA and the next they are from another country.

This is the Jane Adams Hull House. This was the very first Social Work instituition in the United STates. It was a must see for Social Work students. Dan was excited.

K-how about a warning next time there's pitures of anything dead-YUCK!
Looks like you had so much fun! You'll have to tell us more about your trip.
That's so fun!
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