
? question ?

this really doesn't make sense to me. On my Apple laptop my blog posts look perfect, but then on our Dell desktop they are all over the place. RETARDED!!! I'm a little frustrated! anyway I hope everyone is having a wonderful sunny day because we are totally enjoying it!

?????Oh and by the way...WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH JOAQUIN PHOENIX? I used to really like him as an actor.?????


Schows said...

Kels, I'm totally weirded out by Joaquin to, he has been one of my favs but now I don't know what to think of him. Did you see his interview with Letterman? So bizzare. Part of me wonders if its all a joke..... that or he's seriously on something.

DK Johnston said...

NICE JOB on the Huggies! Your craisins idea is great...I am going to look for the ocean spray coupon right now because Lincoln CHOWS on craisins and I was going to buy some today but decided to wait until I could find a coupon. Thanks! Don't you love krazycouponlady? I'm seriously addicted.

Unknown said...

Hey, my blog totally does that too when I'm on another computer...We both have the Minima Stretch layout and when you're on a different computer that has a smaller pixel ratio setting it makes the layout look bigger and the placement of everything gets all mixed up...it gets all squished up. Is that what you're talking about?